Kiran Bodipati-image

Kiran Bodipati

I'm an incoming graduate student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I've previously studied at Nanyang Technological University, specialising in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. I'm also a Co-Founder at MyProp India , building technology driven real estate management solutions.

In my free time time, you can catch me Scuba Diving, writing poems, or exploring nature around the world.


About me

Hi! I'm Kiran and I'm a graduate of Data Science and AI at NTU Singapore. I've spent the last four years exploring my passion for AI by working on various projects in various domains like NLP, Computer Vision, Graph networks, etc. Through my experiences, I've had the opportunity to improve my skills, and uphold my passion of utilizing technology for the betterment of humankind.

  • Email:bodipati [at] umich [dot] edu
  • Study:University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • Study:Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • Work:MyProp India, TEAL
  • Research Interests:Machine Learning, Computer Vision, NLP, Data Science
  • Personal Interests:Scuba Diving, Hiking,Travelling, Poetry


Master of Science in Data Science

University of Michigan, Ann ArborAugust 2024 - May 2026

Some Relevant Coursework include Advanced Computer Vision, Parallel Computing, Regression etc

Bachelor of Science(Honours - Distinction) in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeAugust 2019 - Jun 2023

Some relevant coursework are Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Structures and Algorithms, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability Theories, Statistics, OODP, Databases, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Deep Learning & Neural Networks, Data Mining, NLP, Regression Analysis, Computational Finance, Data Visualisation, Product Science, Time series analysis, Information Retrieval.

I also have a Minor in Business.


Co-Founder & Data Scientist

MyProp India (Land Watchman Technologies Pvt Ltd)May 2023 - Present

Here, I build technology driven real estate solutions. A prominent project is the deployment of an AI based land analytics system. I've also built a Face Identification model using PyTorch to count users walking in and out of a location to provide analytics of customer behaviours in the location, which can improve customer hospitality, in locations that have stores like retail etc.

I'm also involved in business development, business expansion strategies and customer acquisition strategies.

Data Engineer

TEAL India (Terralytics Analysis Pvt Ltd)August 2023 - April 2024

Developed dynamic scraping algorithms using Python, Tesseract, and IndicTranslate to extract over 3 million historical revenue court cases, digital land records and property transactions from government court records and SOLR to index them. Developed and took independent responsibility for a Graph network based document validation system to validate the completeness of a title chain and predict flag potential missing links in the chain with an accuracy of 91%.

Data Science Intern

HP IncJanuary 2022 - May 2022

Performed Root cause analysis for fault detection in manufacturing processes using Bayesian Belief Networks to reduce downtime by 15%. Developed pre-processing tool of automation pipeline, incremental learning algorithms to update the BBN and leveraged Pytest to unit test the tool, and FastAPI, Streamlit & Plotly to deploy the user-interface.

Data Science Intern

Shopee SingaporeMay 2021 - November 2021

Developed a general brand detection model pipeline to identify logos in daily objects present in product listings and classify brands by employing the OpenCV, YOLOv5 and Pytorch Frameworks. Employed image pre-processing techniques, produced custom training edge cases, finetuned open-source CNN models, etc to improve recall & precision from 0.1 to 0.35 & 0.6 respectively (150 class model)

Full Stack Project Intern

Ubisoft SingaporeJuly 2021 - September 2021

Designed end-to-end video game credits extraction service using OCR model to extract names and job titles of various people working on the game. Created a Flask and React based website to bind profiles of people listed in-game to Linkedin profiles, to deliver a real time search repository of game developers.


Text Restoration Using Image Super Resolution

Kiran Bodipati, Advised by: Chen Change Loy
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore April 2023
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Bodipati, K. (2023). Text restoration using image super resolution. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Explainability of Deep Learning-based Graph Embeddings

Kiran Bodipati
The Student Conference on AI (STCAI) 2021, SingaporeJuly 2021
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Kiran Bodipati (2021). Explainability of Deep Learning-based Graph Embeddings. The International Student Conference on AI (STCAI 2021), Singapore.

Statistical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Card-counting on Indian Rummy

Varun S Iyengar, Kiran Bodipati, Abhishek Vaidyanathan
The Student Conference on AI (STCAI) 2021, SingaporeJuly 2021
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Varun S Iyengar, Kiran Bodipati, Abhishek Vaidyanathan. (2021) Statistical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Card-counting on Indian Rummy. The International Student Conference on AI (STCAI 2021), Singapore.

Check out some of my work



Sentiment based music recommender system using AI and NLP.

Updated: Nov 2023